Warm and Friendly Feeling at Methods of Birthing Talk

Expecting parents, midwives and childbirth educators gathered last evening at the co-op community classroom in Ashland OR for a discussion on the “Methods of Birthing”….. So much loving attention and energy there! – All going toward the goal of helping more and more women achieve the natural childbirth that is their birthright.

Watching OUR NEWLY CREATED VIDEO MONTAGE, I was so thrilled, listening again to words from jubilant parents, past HypnoBirthing couples, who describe their birthing experiences with such passion and detail.

Our next class series begins on April 6th and continues for 5 Saturday afternoons, 2-4:30. Remember, you MUST preregister.

Class Flyer April 2013

Please remember to come and tell your story at the next HypnoBirthing birth story sharing on May 11, 4-5:30pm at the JoyFull Yoga Studio in Jacksonville. 235 W. Main St. Jacksonville, OR 97530. All are welcome! We invite anyone interested or curious about natural birth or preparing for birthing with the HypnoBirthing class.